This is the CLARIFY project blog where our researchers will share their motivations, aspirations and achievements.
ESR7 – Starting the final year of Ph.D.
The second year as a Ph.D. student in CLARIFY has come to an end and was full of collaborations among the different ESRs of the network.
ESR8 – Paper Accepted for TNNLS
The paper “Probabilistic Attention based on Gaussian Processes for Deep Multiple Instance Learning” by Arne Schmidt, Pablo Morales-Álvarez, and Rafael Molina, was accepted for publication in a top AI research journal.
ESR3 – Applying Probabilistic Methods to Federated Learning
How to perform high quality federated learning when different labels of different types exist is the goal of our research. [author_image...
ESR5 – Computational pathology for treatment prognostics of HR-NMIBC patients
Hello there! It’s been a while since I posted an update on social media, and I wanted to share something I’ve been working on since the start of my secondment at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain.