To reach our goals, we need to be an online feature extractors and observe the world.

Hi, world! Today I am going to share my experiences at UIS, as my second secondment.


Today I am going to share my memories and my awards in Stavanger at UIS. 

Let’s start from the first day of these 3 months, a trip which started on a sunny and hot day in Valencia and finished on a cold and rainy night in Stavanger. During these three months, I had the honor to work under Prof. Kjersti Egen’s supervision in the IDE lab at UIS. BMDlab and people in there made awesome days for me that melt into my mind. It is common to post the results and outputs of our Ph.D. project in CLARIFY blogs, but here I would like to share something more than the result of a Convolutional Auto Encoder (CAE). As I mentioned before, I was teaching at some universities in my country, Iran. One of my personal goals in my life is to be a professor at a university. So, these secondments provide a promising opportunity to observe different methods of teaching and communicating with students. Thanks to Prof. Kjersti and Prof. Trygve, I had a weekly meeting to analyze the progress and discuss the next steps. Although we were talking about the next steps to improve the accuracy of our proposed methods, I was able to find good answers to my personal questions.  



The intimate meetings during these three months motivated me to share all my ideas and even worse results with them to analyze them better. As a result, we could reach an optimum result of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) on CIFAR-10 and Mnist datasets. (The first step of CBIR is done.) 

Besides all these meetings in the field of Machine Learning (ML), I had a chance to attend some lectures on pathology topics held on by Prof. Emeil Janssen to learn the tissues deeper. 

 If I want to write about these three months, it would be a book. Long story, short.  

The hospitality and warm hug from Emeil, Trygve, and Kjersti as CLARIFY parts and whole other professors and friends in IDE, gave me something more than what we can write in a blog post. 

Stora Tibergfjellet,with Saul (ESR5). 

BMDLab event, UIS family, with Saul (ESR5)Claudio (ESR6)Farbod (ESR10).

Hike To Manafossen and Man with Claudio (ESR6), Umay (ESR11).  

Zahra Tabatabei – ESR9.